Covid-19 FAQs
Veterans Vitality continues to operate and deliveries are not delayed.
1. Can I place an order? Will Veterans Vitality delivery provider, deliver the package?
Yes, Veterans Vitality activities are currently continuing and deliveries are not expected to be delayed or reduced. Do not use delivery addresses for buildings that may be closed due to the current provisions (e.g. non-essential retails).
We have our own in-house fulfillment center and is able ship high demand products quickly, restock and again ship these products to customers. Our teams are working to ensure availability of these products, and continue to bring on additional capacity to deliver customer orders. We’re continuing to ship all available selection in our inventory.
2. What’s the status of my order and delivery? Can I change the address on my order?
Assume your delivery will arrive on time. If there is any change or delays we will notify via official email. If you have shipped to a building that may be closed due to the current provision, please have proper of address in place so that you may receive your delivery.
Please Note: You can change the delivery address for an order until it ships by contacting customerservice@veteransvitality. Please mention order details (e.g. order number).
3.Is it safe to receive orders?
For guidance on Coronavirus, please refer to the World Health Organization.
4. Is Veterans Vitality price gouging?
No, we are working to ensure that no one artificially raises prices on our products during this pandemic and will block any of our retail partner or affiliate that violate this practice.
5. What is Veterans Vitality doing to keep customers safe and employees?
We have adjusted our practices within our buildings through physical, virtual, and new formats for internal communications. With guidance from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the World Health Organization (WHO), we’ve implemented a series of preventative health measures to help keep our employees, partners, and customers safe.
Given the uncertainty surrounding COVID-19, we are committed to continue making adjustments to our business as we learn more.
We have increased the frequency and intensity of cleaning at our site, including regular sanitization of door handles, handrails, touch screens, scanners, and other frequently touched areas. We’re also requiring employees to clean and disinfect their work stations.
Upon the suggestions of health authorities and medical experts on how to handle building closure for deep cleaning, if an employee tests positive for COVID-19. Our process evaluates where the employee was in the building, for how long, how much time has passed since they were onsite, and who they interacted with, among other items, in determining whether we need to close. We also ask anyone at the site who was in close contact with the diagnosed individual to stay home in self-quarantine.
We’ve adjusted our practices so that our fulfillment center employees can maintain a safer distance from co-workers. We’ve staggered shift start times and break times, spread out tables in the break rooms on site. We don’t have employees gathering in one spot, we’ve adjusted our hiring process to encourage social distancing, and we’ve paused hosting public veteran support events.
Employee communications include requirements that everyone wash their hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after using the bathroom, before eating, and after blowing their nose, coughing, or sneezing. If soap and water are not readily available, alcohol-based hand sanitizer stations are easily accessible throughout our building.
If any employee feels unwell, they must stay home and call their healthcare provider. If a Veterans Vitality employees diagnosed with COVID-19 we connect with any individual that had close contact with that person at the site to ask them to stay home for a 14-day paid quarantine period.
Our fulfillment center and delivery network continue to meet the surge in demand from people relying on Veteran Vitality’s service during this stressful time, particularly those most vulnerable to being out in public.